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What is Petrobras?

Founded on October 3rd, 1953 by the Law No. 2.004, public limited company (mixed economy), which major shareholder is the Brazilian Government, operates as an integrated power company in the sectors of exploration and production, refining, commercialization, transportation, petrochemistry, distribution of derivatives, natural gas, electric power, gas chemical and bio-fuels, is present in 25 countries, is the leader of the Brazilian petroleum sector.


It is the business portal of Petrobras group, in its composition are the companies Petrobras Negócios Eletrônicos S.A. (e-PETRO) with 72%, ACCENTURE with 11% and SAP with 17%. By Petronect, several transactions may be performed, such as pricing request, submission of tenders, hiring management, requests management, among others.

See also...


What is Petrobras' Corporate Registry?

It is the first step for a company to become able to supply Petrobras. The Corporate Registry is a corporate use database with registry of companies qualified and interested in the performance of works, services or supply to Petrobras. The Corporate Registry is visible and made available to every body and units of Petrobras.

The companies interested in register shall be able to provide goods and services contained in "Permanent Interest Lists" of Petrobras.

Evaluated Criteria: Technical, Economical Legal, SMS - Safety, Environment and Health, Management and Registration.

What is CRCC?

The supplier that has its registry approved in the evaluation process receives the Certificate of Registration of Registry Classification - CRCC with one year expiration. From this point, the company will be able to directly provide to Petrobras, and may be invited to take part in bids and opportunities via Portal Petronect

Perenyi bears the CRCC (Regional and National), reaffirming its alignment with the guidelines of the areas The main registry activities are: Industrial Area Cleaning, Equipment and Piping Cleaning, Waste Collection, Vacuum Truck Lease, Tubes, Loads Road Transportation of: Safety, Health, Environment, Quality, Technical and Legal. Heavy, Steel Products, Dry Cargo, Packed and Containers.

Petrobrás Ministry of Mines and Energy site