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What is CREA-RJ?

CREA-RJ, Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council of Rio de Janeiro is a federal autarchy equipped with public law legal personality, comprising federal public service, with head office and jurisdiction in the city of Rio de Janeiro and jurisdiction in the whole state, being comprised of Plenary (represented by colleges and by the class entities, which third is annually renewed), Specialized Chambers, Presidency, Management and Inspector. It guides and inspects the professional practice, verifying the valuing the legal and ethical practice of the CONFEA / CREA System professions.

Business: Qualification and Inspection of the Professional Practice, in defense of the company.

Mission: Ensure to the company the effectiveness of its institutional actions, verifying the valuing the legal and ethical practice of the CONFEA / CREA System professions.

"CREA-RJ gained this name from the Law 12.378, of December 31st, 2010".

See also...


What is the company registry at CREA?

The legal entity that is constituted to provide or perform services and/or works or that performs any activity related to the Engineering, Architecture, Agronomy, Geology, Geography or Meteorology professional practice is framed, for registry purposes, in one of the following classes: CLASS A - Service provision, execution of works or services or development of activities reserved to the Engineering, Architecture, Agronomy, Geology, Geography or Meteorology professionals; CLASS B - Specialized, industrial or agricultural technical production, which basic or important activity needs technical knowledge inherent to the Engineering, Architecture, Agronomy, Geology, Geography or Meteorology professionals; CLASS C - Any other activity that maintain the section, that provides or executes for itself or third parties services, works or develop activities related to the Engineering, Architecture, Agronomy, Geology, Geography or Meteorology areas. "RESOLUTION No. 336, of October 27th, 1989".

What is ART certificate (Technical Responsibility Note)?

Instituted by the Law No. 6.496, of December 7th, 1977, A.R.T. – Technical Responsibility Note is the instrument that the CONFEA / CREA System has to register the professional practices and that distinguishes the career and the individual success and values the professional practice. It enables to characterize the responsibility limits and the technical participation in each work or service, conferring the legal assurances of a contract and the proof of special activities for retirement purposes.

"The technical responsibility for any activity practiced in the Engineering, Architecture, Agronomy, Geology, Geography or Meteorology field always lies with the professional in charge of it, and may not, in any circumstances, be assumed by the legal entity".

CREA-RJ CONFEA Brazil - Federal Government