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What is ANP?

The National Petroleum Natural Gas and Bio-fuel Agency (ANP), deployed by the Decree No. 2.455, of 01/14/1988, is the regulator of the activities integrating the petroleum and natural gas and the biofuel industry in Brazil. Federal autarchy, linked to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, responsible for the execution of the national policy for the petroleum, natural gas and bio0fuel energy sector, according to the Petroleum Law (Law No. 9.478/1997). ANP intends to:

REGULATE: Establish rules through ordinances, normative instructions and resolutions for the operations of the industries and the oil, gas and biofuel industries and commerce.

HIRE: Promote bids and sign contracts on behalf of the Government with the utilities in petroleum and natural gas exploration, development and production activities, and authorize the activities of the regulated industries.

MONITOR: Enforce the standards in the activities of the regulated industries, directly or upon covenants with other public bodies.

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What is Local Content (CL)?

It is the percentage of material, equipment, systems and services produced in national territory regarding the total of purchases made by a utility company in exploration and production.

How Does This Demand Work?

The Granting Contracts for Exploration, Development and Production of Petroleum and Natural Gas executed by ANP with the winner companies in the Bidding Rounds, include the Local Content Clause, that concern the production exploration and development phases. According to this clause established by ANP, the utilities shall assure preference to hire Brazilian suppliers whenever its offers present conditions equivalent to the other suppliers'.

How Does the Local Content Certification System Work?

With the purpose of establishing the legal conditions for the performance of the routines related to the requirements of the Local Content Clause, instituted from the Seventh Road, ANP created the Local Content Certification System, which regulation was published on 11/16/2007, after the public consultation process was completed. This System establishes the methodology for the certification and the rules for the accreditation of certifying entities at ANP (Resolution ANP No. 19 of 06/14/13 & From 36 to 39 of 11/13/07).

How to Certify?

As empresas devem contratar uma Certificadora credenciada pela ANP (listagem no site A atividade de certificação compreende: A coleta de dados sobre a procedência dos componentes fornecidos, a medição do conteúdo local e a emissão dos certificados. Com esses Certificados anexados as NF’s, os concessionários comprovam à ANP suas aquisições de bens e serviços.

anp Ministry of Mines and Energy site